Don’t Let The Colder Weather Put You Off!

It really is easier said than done to find time to relax in our gardens in the colder weather, but it’s actually about so much more than just enjoying the great outdoors.

Being outside has amazing health benefits, especially for our mental wellbeing; in the autumn and winter months, it’s more important than ever to make the most of those daylight hours and the fresh garden atmosphere in your luxury Breeze House.

How To Battle The Colder Weather

Vitamin D

It’s no secret that far too many of us spend too much of our time indoors, especially when the colder weather hits; whether it’s taking care of little ones, working at our office desk, commuting or just generally getting on with daily chores and tasks. Here in the UK, we generally don’t get enough Vitamin D, and whilst taking Vitamin D supplements can help – particularly throughout winter – any time spent in natural daylight is unbeatable. Vitamin D plays a fantastic role in boosting the health of our bones and teeth and enhancing our immune system, so if you want to have a better chance at fighting off those winter bugs, get outside!

Blue Light vs Natural Light

It’s that natural light that is so important, there’s nothing else like it. We get so much ‘blue light’ each and every day from our phones, computers, TVs and other digital devices, that we actually forget the importance of natural light. So switch off that phone, leave it inside and head outdoors for some quality time with your loved ones and some of that super mood-boosting sunshine!

Interior of a Breeze House style for winter with faux fur cushions and cost throws

Scents to Soothe

Recent scientific research has shown that the smell of roses and other flowers promotes relaxation, lowers anxiety and improves your mood. So, it’s true – you really should stop and smell the roses! A whiff of freshly cut grass enhances feelings of calm and happiness. It could be down to evolution too: whilst a downpour may put a dampener on the plants, the smell of it has been shown to remind us of the colour green – harking back to a time when the first rain of the season would mean an abundance of plants and animals which our ancestors would feast on. No wonder we think it smells so good!

So, don’t let the colder weather put you off; getting out into the great outdoors does wonders for your mind and body, and of course, your Breeze House has been designed to withstand all weather conditions – meaning you can make the most of your gorgeous garden whatever the weather!

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